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Máy đo hoạt độ nước

Giá: Liên hệ

Models:EZ-200; Freund – Japan

Giao hàng: Có hàng

Lượt xem 778

Hỗ trợ khách hàng

Thông tin sản phẩm

Thiết bị đo Hoạt độ nước

Water Activity Meter

Model: EZ-200

Manufacturer: Freund – Japan

Made in Japan

Accurate measurement with a sensor less susceptible to alcohol

Easy replacement and calibration of the sensor (tool-free)

Control of sensor deterioration due to acids by placing a sensor protection filter (option)

Device storage of up to 100 measurement data; USB memory available (CSV output)

Features Screens of the touch panel

Product Specifications

Sensor: Electrical resistance type

Measurement range: 0.10-0.98 Aw Select “Round off,” “Round down,” or “Round up” of the third decimal place to indicate value with two decimal places.

Measurement precision: ± 0.01 Aw (25 ± 0.3℃)

Measurement time: On average 10 minutes/sample

Calibration: 4 points (0.33, 0.53, 0.75, 0.93 Aw)/ 25℃

Usage environment: 15-35℃ (no condensation)

Power supply: 100-240V, 47-63Hz

Dimensions: 165(W)×130(H)×270(D) mm

Weight: 4.3 kg

Accessories: Power adapter, sample containers (5), constant humidity salt for calibration (4 types), silica gel, grease

Options: Sample containers (10), constant humidity salt, sensor protection filters (10), sensor board and packing for replacement, grease, intake air filters

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